Saturday, December 9, 2017

Mixed Media Owls

After drawing their owls and transferring those drawings onto styrofoam "printing plates" students were responsible for printing their owls.  They marbled paper with leaves on them using shaving cream and liquid water colors, and painted their background trees.  Here we are in final assemble of all the different the pieces!


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

It's "That" Most Wonderful Time of the YEAR!

AHHHH, the 3rd Annual Gingerbread House competition!! 
 ❆All houses dropped off Mon Dec 18th OR Tues Dec 19th 
Judging Wed Dec 20th 
Winning House display Thurs Dec 21st 
Please take home Fri Dec 22nd by 3pm.

In order for houses to be judged they must be entirely made of edible materials.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Mixed Media Owls

Students began by drawing an owl in crayon and then using watercolor to create a resist. Then they marbled a leaf sheet in order to get the fall colors. Students then painted their tree on their background paper, cut and assembled their pieces. Voila!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Kindergartners starting One Point Perspective Farm...

Students expanded on their perspective lesson by including horizon and aerial perspective components, but starting one point perspective and a vanishing point as well! They are doing great!!

Some finished magazine mosaics!

Friday, October 13, 2017

A few classes had a "free art" period, with access to materials and the freedom to create whatever they wanted! Hats, boats, frames, books, people, drawings, and many more beautiful art pieces were created!