Friday, May 15, 2020

Tiny Origami Baskets? Yep.

These are shown for Easter but could just as easily be designed for anything - fairy garden, little legos, trinket holder, tiny stone collection... 
They are also shown as being created from an existing beautiful piece of paper, but I would encourage students to make a plain paper beautiful first - sponge paint, paint splatter, etc, and then fold when it's dry.

For full tutorial, click here:


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Tree collage (on book page background)

These art pieces are too wonderful.  These are spring trees but maybe could also be... haunted trees?  Heehee...
To see full tutorial as well as other examples, click here:

Friday, May 1, 2020

A nice DIY on pressed flower arrangements... (Mother's Day is coming...)

This video is useful for arranging pressed flowers. For MAKING pressed flowers, I would suggest taking a meaningful walk with a loved one, gather some small delicate flowers for a "bouquet", and pressing them using the microwave technique. I have a link to a video on microwaving flowers under "Additional Third Party Tutorials Here".

So fun! Dandelions from toilet paper rolls...